
Late-Stage Companies & Repeat CEOs

Ranked #6 on Inc. 5000 List

We believed that we were different and couldn’t possibly follow a normal pitch deck approach based on our business model. Pitch Creator helped shape our winning pitch – highly recommend!”

Ryan Hogan
CEO & Founder, Hunt A Killer

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Acquired by Assurant (NYSE: AIZ)

Luke Cooper
CEO & Founder, Fixt

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Raised Over $26 Million

Kristen Valdes
CEO, b.well Connected Health

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Raised $30 Million Series B

Pitch Creator helped me professionalize my investor presentation. I knew my business and industry well but did not know how to communicate effectively to investors.”

Michael Keeler
CEO, LeaseAccelerator

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Acquired by Google

Chris Sleat
CEO, Workbench Platform

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Raising Series B

Mark Olcott
CEO, VitusVet

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