Bulk Purchase

Purchase 10+ Licenses to Our Online “College Foundation Course”


Use this page to purchase 10 or more licenses for our online “College Foundation Course.”  Then provide free access to your student entrepreneurs, TAs, and coaches, via a coupon code.

$24 per person for a 6-month online course license


After You Purchase

After you purchase, your payment will be processed and within 3-5 business days and you will receive an email with your coupon code. Provide that coupon code to your student entrepreneurs, instructors, TA’s, and coaches, who will:

  • Click the College Students page (from “Online Learning” drop-down menu at the top of PitchCreator.com)
  • Choose the “College Foundation Course
  • Apply that coupon code at checkout to get free access to the course


Please note: your coupon code will work for up to the number of licenses you purchased and for at least 6 months from the date of your purchase.


About Pitch Creator


Pitch Creator is a social impact organization and our financial goal is to be cashflow break even (zero profit) each year. Please see our About Us page for more.

Your bulk purchase of course licenses will help us self-fund operations. Thank you!


  • Please enter a number greater than or equal to 10.
  • Credit Card

  • Total

  • $0.00