About Us

Every time Pitch Creator helps an entrepreneur break through and raise capital, that creates jobs and a cascading benefit in the entrepreneurial community.”

– Jason Tagler
Volunteer Director and Founder


Pitch Creator’s mission is to help create jobs by teaching entrepreneurs how to communicate with investors and raise growth capital for their businesses.

We do that through our “education platform,” which is a combination of our website, free resources, online courses, presentations, workshops, and related services.

We are focused on creating jobs in geographic areas that need them the most, so we prioritize helping entrepreneurs who:

  • Are raising capital for the first time
  • Do not have the networks and advantages of CEOs who are in Silicon Valley or similar areas
  • Are not backed by professional investors

► Self-funding Social Impact Organization

Pitch Creator is a self-funding social impact organization.  We self-fund operations by selling online courses and some pitch-coaching services. We don’t try to raise money from tax-free donations because there are other non-profits in Baltimore that need those donation dollars and are competing for them.

Our financial goal is to be cash flow break even (zero profit) each year, so after we cover our operating costs, we spend any residual cash flow on improving our education platform and making awards to student entrepreneurs.

All of our Advisors and Directors volunteer their time.

Multiplier Effect

When a CEO is able to break through and access growth capital, it usually results in high-quality job creation and there is a multiplier effect because that CEO:

• Is better able to raise growth capital in the future;

• Can be an example and/or mentor for others, which creates a cascading benefit in the entrepreneurial community; and

• Has a better chance of starting more successful companies.

Who We Serve

We primarily serve the following three groups of people:

1. CEOs and Founders – who need to learn how to communicate with investors and raise capital.

2. College/university Instructors – who are preparing student entrepreneurs for a business pitch event (like Shark Tank).

3. Other Educators – at incubators/accelerators and workforce development programs, and individual coaches/mentors.